Thursday, August 03, 2006

moving on

Wuhoooo! Finally the game is swinging by my side. I'm almost getting over the darkness of the past. I'm moving on. I'm becoming stronger and independent. I'm learning the virtue of patience and at ease of everything that comes my way. I'm focusing on what remains on me, forget what I lost and never regret my failures. Why would I keep on running to someone who doesn't appreciate me? Err. He doesn't know who's running up to him. I'll show him what he lost and he will be kicking his backside and he will crawl back to me. In the end I will be waving on him with an arched eyebrow and a devilish look...bwahaha. Instead, I will love and be considerate to others who are always on my side, through thick and thin, just always there loving me unconditionally.

Hmmn. I got over of yesterday's tedious work. Whew! That was a tough day. I have this client who requested to cut the original song to that of the same clip time of the poly. And I did it myself! I listened to the poly and find it to the full audio. There were 44 of them and it almost killed me. I feel like being raped. Whew! Anyhow, I feel happy because we're rich again! Hell yes!

I want to buy an iPod but I lack money. I don't even have savings. Pfft. How I wish I could get one to exterminate my boresome in my boarding house. I was desiring to buy a laptop before and now I can't even buy a nano iPod which soon will be phased-out from the market. I'm bankrupt! Huhuhu. All I have at home is my book that takes me a month in reading. Well FYI, it's Deception Point by Dan Brown. I love this author. His novels are full of suspense, twists, excitement that you will no longer keep your eyes off his books. I'm on part where US President Zach Herney announced to the world the discovery of NASA and having all Sexton's incriminations to this space agency back to his face. While her daughter Rachel Sexton is struggling for life at Milne Ice Shelf. Erm. It's a long run then. I'm hankering for Angels and Demons. A friend told me that it is more breath taking than that of The Da Vinci's Code.

That's all for today. Back to work.

Mood Status: cheerful
Music Playing: Avril Lavigne - Fall To Pieces


Rustyknives said...

It's good to know that you are moving pass your darkness. There's always someone else out there whose meant for you.

Rustyknives said...

It's a good thing to move on. Don't bother waiting for someone who does not appreciate you. Like the saying "There are more fishes in the open seas. Don't just stick to one" Heh.

jhovelforonda said...

i think u should buy a pc... in that way you can search the net... how to overcome boredom wahahahaha! peace gurl! hehe

maldita said...

wekwek...i found other way to eterminate it...count the people passing by...harharhar...

nice advice vhel. :P