Now I know why the
PPD test is not included in the annual health check-up.
Was it me who said that?
It’s a tuberculin skin test and it is done to see if you have ever had
And thank God I’m negative.
As I experienced and do the research at the same time, PPD is done by putting a small amount of antigens under the top layer of skin on inner forearm.
If I have ever been exposed to the TB bacteria, my skin will react to the antigens by developing a firm red bump at the site within two days.
I was injected TB protein last Friday and I went back yesterday for reading.
Yeah, my skin swelled up 5mm in diameter and is reddish but that doesn’t mean I am positive to one of the killer diseases on earth and besides there are effective treatments of TB nowadays.
Living in a Third World country is not an excuse to lock yourself in your room and cry your eyes out.
Coincidentally, the episode I watched last night of House Season 2 is entitled “TB or Not TB”.
There was this famous doctor who becomes inexplicably ill while rendering service in Africa. He was sent to Dr. House for treatment. He knew he has a contagious disease he got from his patients in Africa, TB. But House didn’t buy that. He held his own study together with his assistants Chase, Cameron and of course Foreman. Sebastian (the famous ill doctor) called a press conference and while having his speech, House rushed to him and focused the light on his face. He’s turning yellow and pale. House announced that he’s having a cardiac arrest. What a brilliant son of a bitch doctor. He faced the camera and shouted “That is not TB!” After running a test (blood sugar test), they found out that he has a tumor.
My interest is growing more with this TV series House. I’m learning to like this pompous ass doctor, House. He has a strong, brilliant, domineering character that will surely raise your eyebrows. Haha.
Anyway, back to the tutorial. I’m refreshing my web developing skill.
I need a part time job. My current job is not enough to pay the bills. A blue-collar job doesn’t matter unless it’s decent and will not harass me, physically and emotionally. Um. Waitress? Haha. Adik!
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