- A Preponderance of the WATER element
- A heavy emphasis of Water element signs puts you closely in touch with your feelings, and in tune with the nuances and subtleties in your environment that others won't even notice. You approach life and understand it through your emotions, and you're really at your best when you "play your hunches." You don't intellectualize about things; you respond exactly how you feel. Water sign people are very attuned to their feelings. An intense sensitivity permits you to experience the heights of emotional bliss, but it can also take you to the depth of despair. Close emotional relationships are essential to your well-being and happiness. Superficial affairs are few, and less than satisfying. Romantic, sentimental, and affectionate, there must be a stable and secure bond between you and your partner. When you are happily situated in such a bond, you can be a very nurturing type. You can be "smothering" toward your children, and very possessive of your mate. You are not one who can subscribe to the code "live and let live." You communicate best in non-verbal ways; emotionally, psychically, or through forms as art, dance, music, poetry and photography. You have a natural feel and sense for the arts. You're apt to let the heart rule the head. Highly impractical and impressionable, you sometimes use bad judgment for you are unable to be objective and evaluate situations impersonally. You may change your mind as often as your moods change, but rarely do the facts sway your beliefs.
- Water Absence
- The absence or limitation of Water signs in your horoscope suggests that you may have difficulty understanding the deeper meanings of events and circumstances. Indeed, you may be a little lacking in emotional intensity. This is not to say that you have no feelings, but it does mean that your emotions are not easily engaged and they really don't run deep. You aren't so apt to form those extremely close friendships and relationships, and you may even feel smothered and threatened by strong emotional demands of others. You recover quickly from emotional bumps and scrapes, never letting your disappointments get you down. Depression is never apt to be a problem. Many of the aspects of not having water signs are positive, but on the negative side, you must guard against becoming rather callous and cold, detached and unfeeling. Intuitive skills are not readily available to those with few planets in Water signs. In your view this does not matter so much, because you don't trust intuitive knowledge anyway.
Yeah, right!
I've been to my hometown this weekend and I just pigged out. I've no control on food if I'm in our house at Bulacan. I frequently open our ref and look for something to eat. Then I finally realized that my belly's getting fatter so I pulled out my twister and started twisting. Tsk. I need to get my figure right. And after sweating a LOT,
We watched "Night at the Musuem" by Ben Stiller. A funny movie. One of Stiller's good movies. After having the couches pressed by our big fat ass's, we crowded the kitchen and prepared our dinner. We used "Del Monte Chicken Mix", a colleague gave. They were busy following my instructions as I was dictating it. Hekhek.
And when I was

Wait, we finally watched the film 300 last Saturday using the free ticket our boss spared to us. This man is so generous. He often invites us on lunch and it's still fresh on my mind when he offered us a trip to Boracay. Akalain nyo yun! Wish ko lang. Ahihihi.
The movie is awesome. It's full of obscenely ridiculous action sequences that would unhallowed your stomach. With the Spartans' fighting skill it is really possible for 300 versus million.
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