It's getting hot in here. Whew! Anyway, hope this entry will peter out the issues. Let's drop everything and move on. I will be more careful now with my words and names of characters as I learned from you guys. *wink*
Lemme recount my past ramblings. Oh and by the way, I have an LJ now. Click here or just click "alembong" at the side links.
I spent the weekend at Bulacan. I missed my family. It's been a long time we've never seen each other. I almost forgot their face. Haha. We got together at my brother's (Alkin) birthday bash at his house with his family. Aust, my nephew was so cute. Big brown eyes with long battling eyelashes, delicate lips and raddish skin. Damn he's so cute. I want to squeeze his cheeks. He amused me in his dance moves. The "hagod" move and "let's do the funk" move. Haha. Wonder what are those moves? Um. From TV commercials. Hagod from a cough syrup advertisement I guess, I'm not familiar with it and the let's do the funk move from a deodorant advertisement. Hehe. Kids nowadays are good imitator.
I arrived there late as I first went to an internet cafe with no coffee. Haha. I checked my emails and customized my LJ. That day was so hot and every part of my body was sweating. I know...it's yuck. Haha. And I curse my hair and myself for having it curled. It's gross and unmanageable. I should not have it curled. I miss my straight hair. Huhu. Anyway, they were distracted as I came. Everyone were ranting. You need to shout or use a megaphone for you to be heard. Their voice were blustering. That's how we speak to one another. Haha.
Hmn. What else? We watched the movie Crank by Jason Statham. Read my LJ for more details of what had happened. Ahihihi.
Um. Right now, I just feel loved and happy. :)
I recommend using either Sunsilk stay-on, no-rinse conditioner or Citre Shine hair laminate (the one in bottle) to give it the kind of body that you like or to put the curls in proper place.
nice one!!!
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